Biro drawing of a Ugandan carpenter, Namirembe Vocational School for the Deaf, Kampala.

Over the summer, I spent 4 weeks in Uganda as part of my travels around Africa.
During that time, my Aunt sorted me out with doing some experience at a couple of schools for the deaf around Kampala.
The time I spent at the schools with the students was a profound and insightful experience. I had learnt so much from the teachers, the students and most of all, my Aunty Joyce who has enlightened me with a community I knew so little about.
Below are some paintings and drawings I did of the art students at Wakiso Secondary School for the Deaf who I had the pleasure of working with and getting to know personally as part of my first project in Fine Art.

"Drugs have taught an entire generation of American kids the metric system."
-P.J. O'Rourke


I tried to exercise my drawing skills by doing free hand self-portraits in pen.
Although the portraits don't look 100% like me (or not at all), I was pleased with the outcome.
I don't know what I look like anymore.

Me and My Brother back in the day.

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