Karen in the making...

What a busy few weeks! Since my last post, I have been learning [very slowly] how to use Adobe After Effects, which has been both exciting and slightly confusing [I'm still very new to it all]. Still, it's about time I ventured into other ways of animating, it's proved to be massively useful as well.
Here are a few tests that I've recently made experimenting with masking, pacing & Photoshop:

 [This one is SO awkward, I know. I did it in a rush one morning, allow me...]


I have also put together an animatic for Karen, made from the appalling illustrations from my storyboard. I ask you kindly to please excuse them as I tend to get a bit impatient with some sketches. Despite it being a bit rough, this has helped me figure out how to time certain scenes and visualise the film a bit more.
This is still subject to change but this is Karen in it's most raw form:

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